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Comfort Food Offerings for Any Time of Year

Food activates parts of our brain related to our pleasure and reward center. That means that good food has the ability to boost our mood and make us feel happy. It is why food brings us together and why we gravitate towards certain foods when we are in certain moods.

Comfort foods are usually heavy and hearty, like chicken and dumplings, fried chicken, or meatloaf. But they don’t have to be. Any food that is savory and well-liked can be comfort food. So what types of comfort foods are good for any time of the year?

If you are looking to draw in the crowds by offering more comfort food favorites, Chairman’s has all of the options that you need. Classic staples like chicken pot pie, macaroni and cheese, potatoes, and cinnamon apples can be adapted to any season of the year.

How do you adapt cozy, filling, comfort food favorites to warmer weather? Macaroni salads serve well chilled, and cinnamon apples can complement desserts warm or cold. Or, focus your comfort food selection on fresh produce-based dishes like Mexican street corn.

Chairmans Foods is a customer-focused supplier of delicious, fresh food products. Contact us today to find out more about our flexible purchasing options.

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