Sanitation in foodservice is more important than ever before. In the age of COVID-19, ensuring proper food safety requires consistent cleaning of common surfaces. Whether it’s in the kitchen of a restaurant or the deli counter at a grocery store, employees must sanitize and disinfect foodservice stations on a regular basis.
Here are 5 tips to create a clean foodservice environment that promotes employee and customer health:
- Use quality, anti-bacterial products
- Search for the most absorbent cloths and wipes
- Place disinfectants in convenient, easy-to-reach locations
- Establish clear, simple cleaning instructions
- Try disposable wipes instead of towels or rags
Adhering to these measures will bolster sanitation efforts and help your operation safely serve customers throughout the pandemic. Combatting COVID-19 demands responsibility and adaptability – taking extra cleaning precautions plays a major role in getting back to better times.
At Chairmans Foods, we are committed to doing our part and taking action to slow the spread of COVID-19. From the onset of the pandemic, our team has maintained strict hygiene policies, increased disinfecting measures, established distancing protocol (one employee per 1,000 square feet), and demanded the use of face masks and shields. These steps have played a vital role in prioritizing health while supporting our customers and feeding our communities. Be Well, Eat Well, Stay Safe.
For more information about these safety tips, read on at FSR Magazine.